103 Switchback Road Chirnside Park VIC 3116
03 9737 6366
Chirnside Park Veterinary Clinic
Dr Sae Inoue BVSc,
Dr Anton Gomez BVSc BSc & Associates
At Chirnside Park Vet Clinic we offer a large range of surgical procedures, the most common of which are desexings. We can desex kittens as young as 10 weeks of age (1kg minimum weight) and puppies from 14 weeks (small breeds only). We offer total scrotal ablations with large breed or adult dog castrations for quicker recovery times and reduced post-operative complications. We also desex your not-so-common pets like rabbits, ferrets and guinea pigs.
Dental procedures are another common procedure carried out in our practice. We do simple teeth clean and polishes to complicated 3-rooted molar extractions. Some puppies have retained immature canines and/or incisors that can be removed at the time of desexing. A consultation with a vet is required before a dental procedure because a short course of antibiotics is needed before surgery can procede.
The removal of Lumps and Bumps (with or without histopathology) is another frequent procedure. Our motto is "if in doubt, chop it out" and this plays on the safe side when it comes to potentially cancerous growths. It can be very hard to determine if a suspicious-looking lump is nasty, so removal and laboratory testing is the safest option.
Caesareans commonly take place within our practice because of our high percentage of breeder clientele. The staff always enjoy brining new life into the world and adore the puppies or kittens at this precious stage of life.
Some Orthopedic surgery can also be done at our clinic, such as cruciate repair, amputation, replacement of dislocated joints and casting of broken bones. Depending on the severity of each case specalist treatment may be required.
There are many more procedures that are performed at our clinic, so if you have a question please don't hesitate to contact us.
Pre-Surgical information
Post-Surgical information
The most important thing to remember before your pet has surgery is to ensure they are fasted from 8pm the night before, including water. The reason for this is to minimise the risk of vomiting under general anaesthetic, which if inhaled can cause a dangerous lung infection.
Drop off time for all booked in surgery is between 8.30am - 9.30am weekdays. The weekends are reserved for emergency surgeries only.
The vet will go through the procedure and answer questions you may have before admitting your pet. Most surgeries are day procedures, and the patient goes home that evening.
The type of surgery your pet has had will determine the home care required. Unless the surgery was a routine desexing, a vet will go through discharge instructions with you.
After all surgery, your pet is not to get wet (no swimming, playing in the rain, or bathing) and is not alowed to chew or lick at the stitches.
Recovery time will depend on the surgery, but generally it can take 24-48hrs to recover from the anaesthetic, and 10-14 days for sutures to come out.
If there is any redness, swelling or oozing from the surgical site (unless there are drain tubes placed surgically), contact us for further information.