103 Switchback Road Chirnside Park VIC 3116
03 9737 6366
Chirnside Park Veterinary Clinic
Dr Sae Inoue BVSc,
Dr Anton Gomez BVSc BSc & Associates
Emergency Care
We have a vet on call 24/7 365 days a year, which means there is always someone on the other end of the phone when you have an urgent problem with your pet. The clinic phone number is diverted after-hours to the vet on call, so no matter what time of day or night we are available for your emergency. If your animal requires urgent surgical treatment, a nurse is also called in to assist the vet, so we can deal with many types of issues. Emergencies include:
Straining to urinate (espcially male cats)
Allergic reactions
Ingestion of a toxin
Gashes or open wounds
And many more problems that cannot wait until morning.
If you have a query about an appointment or medication please call during openening hours as the after-hours service is for emergencies only.